Life Eternal
Infynite Gold is the foundation of my heart. It is the voice of empowerment and the wisdom of Life. Yes it is an all natural skincare line but it holds within it the awareness of what it means to be conscious! The awakening of humanity! I believe we all have the choice in how we want to take this journey through life. We can flow along and have moments that we see there is another way, or we can Wake Up in those moments and never go back. I Woke Up, I choose to not go back, and in choosing this I become the creator of my life. Using Ormus Elements everyday through Infynite Gold skincare, I enhance this experience! I believe Ormus is a gateway to becoming Conscious! To me it is a gift from the universe to all those who want to awaken and take back our birth right as humans.
Why skincare? The fountain of youth is attractive to us all. But why? Because society is obsessed with beauty? Maybe, but for me it started way before the celebrities and models showing us what we all “should” look like. I believe that life is also a choice. At least that is what was intended before unconsciousness flooded the minds of humanity. I believe if we use our minds we are capable of anything.... and I do mean ANYTHING! We can live without aging, it is a choice and I have dedicated myself to making a frequency based product that holds the Intelligence of Eternal Life and the Consciousness of “living” this truth. I have dedicated my life to living this truth, living my life beyond this world. I see what we as humans are capable of! The body is an energy system just waiting to receive instruction on how to become a vehicle of purpose and stamina! A purpose beyond the mind of society. Living a life of choice is living an eternal life. It’s not about being a super model, it’s about being conscious. Choosing how we want to age is choosing to AWAKEN. It is choosing to be responsible for the self and not be the victim of life itself! Does it mean I think I will live forever? .... No, but I will dedicate myself to the practice of awakening my consciousness so that I can become more and more aware of the choices that I do have. These choices allow me to hold onto life force energy that I would otherwise loose “unconsciously”. I guess it’s choosing to die with awareness verse dying without knowing I was ever alive.
We all have a choice in how we want to age. Do we age within the mind because that is what has been done over and over? Do we have the power to age consciously and choose the path of our livelihood? I say YES! The mind is more powerful then even the most advanced scientist can imagine! Let’s tap in and live beyond our means. Live a life that is uncharted. Live beyond the third dimension! Beyond what every other human has done before us. I dedicate myself to awakening the mind to possibilities most say is imposable. I take these impossibilities and give them to all of you inside a little bottle you use twice a day that will give YOU the power to choose how you want to age, open the Gateway to your life beyond what you “know” now. A product that has it’s own intelligence assisting you in becoming your highest potential! This IS skincare of the future. We are reprograming our DNA to eternal life. Not working with stem cells and regenerating what has broken. We are repairing the DNA back to what it was intended to be. Life is a choice. Aging is a disease. Let’s claim our right to reprogram the DNA with our conscious choice.... the choice to LIVE Consciously!